Jeong Hoon's Quotation

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kim Jeong Hoon Is Expected to Enlist The Army

Kim Jeong Hoon is expected to enlist the army at the end of April. Do not be frightened, too sudden, it came to tell you personally, as soon as possible we inform you through this bulletin. Jeong Hoon expected to enlist at 28th April 2009. We will inform all of you with the up-date as soon as possible

김정훈님이 4월 말에 군에 입대할 예정 입니다.
너무 갑작 스럽게 입대 소식을 전하게 되어서 놀라셨겠지만
빠르게 진행 된 상황이라 급히 공지하게 되었습니다.
그 밖의 기타 사항은 추후 공지 하겠습니다.
14/4/2009 11:45AM更新

김정훈님은 4월 28일 입대 할 예정 입니다.

그 밖의 사항은 추후 공지 하겠습니다.


...thanks to Izumi...

Notice an important

John-Hoon always a big thank you for your encouragement.

John-Hoon on April 28 it was decided to enlist in the armed forces on active service,
We are pleased to announce that there are official reports from the Korean firm.

He is an enlistment soon.
When he discharges, we want to accomplish a wonderful restart.
Please encourage, and support John-Hoon forever. Please encourage, and support John-Hoon forever.

Cross One Inc.


polaris said...

Ahh.. Really? ^0^

LiliKrist said...

2 years but he already kept a lot of pieces of his works, so we will not missing him too much =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks infonya.... Cuma sekali ini infonya rada-rada bikin "sad" dech... 2 tahun bukannya sebentar lho! Lumayan bikin kangen....he3x Tapi meski bagaimana itu udah kewajiban sebagai WN, ya kan? Good luck always dech buat John-Hoon....

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