Jeong Hoon's Quotation

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

√John-Hoon Route To 29th Birthday

Glitter Photos
[ - *Glitter Photos*]

Setiap tanggal 5 dan 20, aku akan meng-upload lima gambar dari √John-Hoon sampai nanti halaman terakhir. Aku tahu ini bakalan lama, tapi memang seharusnya khan begitu. Soalnya aku nggak mau dibilang melanggar hak cipta Jeong Hoon. Jadi harap sabar ya bagi yang belum punya bukunya *smile* juga mohon maaf kalau hasilnya jelek, soalnya aku sayang kalau musti melipat bukunya sewaktu aku men-scan-nya hi hi hi selamat menikmati =^.*=
Dan karena hari ini spesial...maka aku up-load lebih dari 5 gambar, tidak seperti biasanya. Benar benar tidak bisa kasih sesuatu yang spesial buat Jeong Hoon dihari ultahnya kecuali semangat ini yang selalu ada buat dukung dia 0^.^0

Every 5th and 20th of month, I will upload 5 pictures from √John-Hoon until the last page. I know it will take so so long, but actually it is to be that way right. Cause I don't want to break Jeong Hoon's copy right of the book. So please be patience for everyone who don't have the book *smile* I'm really sorry too if the pictures result is not good enough, cause it is too pity to folded the book when I go scan on it hi hi hi enjoy it =^.*=
And cause today is special...I will up-load more than 5 pictures, different than usually. Really don't have something special for Jeong Hoon in his birthday except this spirit which always there to give him support 0^.^0

Special message for Jeong Hoon :

...I believe its saying to take your time to learn about things and dont rush it. He has been rushing to things ("waiting is wasting for people like me") and now he realizes he was wrong so he advises you to take it easy. Don't assume you know too much at once (because one never knows everything, there's always more to learn)...but be happy if you know you are doing good, dont let anything dissapoint you because "you will hate yourself in the end"...Happy Birthday Nakama - John Hoon-kun aka Jeong Hoon-ssi

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