Jeong Hoon's Quotation

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Update John Hoon's the military news (22/10/09)

KJH's news

김정훈 일병 국방홍보원 가다...

김정훈씨가 다음달부터 국방홍보원으로 근무지를 옮깁니다.
공유씨를 대신해 DJ를 볼 것 같습니다.
라디오 제목부터 김정훈씨가 직접 프로그램을 만들어갈 생각입니다.
앞으로 팬레터는 홍보원쪽으로 보내시면 될것 같습니다.
주소는 옮기는대로 공지해드리겠습니다.
앞으로 김정훈씨가 진행하는 라디오 많이 들어주시고 사연도 많이보내주세요!!!

English Translation

First Class Private Kim Jeong Hoon will be assigned to the publicity support team of the military

Hello ! Everybody!
Mr. Kim Jeong Hoon will be assigned to the publicity support team of the military starting from next month.
He should become the DJ which is a replacement to Gong Yoo.
From the broadcast headline to the content of the programs will be decided by Mr. Kim Jeong Hoon.
Also, fans can post the letters to the publicity support team directly later.
The new address will be announced soon.
Please continue to support the radio programs of Mr. Kim Jeong Hoon and keep sending letters to him
Thank you very much.


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