Jeong Hoon's Quotation

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[ 26/09/2011 ] Chinese drama shooting: [KISSING LOVE ON TIPTOES]

[ 26/09/2011 ] In Qingdao Belle square location shooting

credit to baidu/ /

Friday, September 9, 2011

[7/09/2011] John Hoon message after his concert Live & Talk in NAGOYA

Link :

Translated by

팬 여러분 안녕하세요~~
Hello my fans ~ ~( Hello everyone~~)

오랫만에 여러분과 만날 수 있어서 너무 행복했습니다.
It’s been a while that I had meet you. so, I was very happy to meet you.

o 공연 전날은 여러분과 만나다는 생각에 잠이 안 올 정도로
얼마나 흥분을 했는지...저의 노래 어떠셨나요??
the day before Performing, because of the thought that I meet you, I could not sleep. I had butterflies in my stomach…. How were my songs?

공연 직전까지의 연습으로 목 상태가 안 좋았었는데.......
before the show, becouse of steady practicing ,my neck was a bad condition........

너그럽게 이해해 주세요^^
Please understand me big-heartedly ^ ^

메르센재팬으로선 첫 행사로 저를 비롯해 스탭들도
여러가지로 노력하고 준비했으나, 끝나고 보니 아쉬운 점이 많이 남는군요.
it was a first event of Mersenne Japan. staffs and I prepared many things, and gave efforts. But, after the event having finished, I felt a sense of sad( lack of something=아쉬움 = 遺憾 ???).

팬여러분이 보내주시는 뜨거운 성원과
블루로 물든 관객석을 보고 가슴이 뜨거웠습니다.
Your hot encouragement and blue-stained seats of audience made my heart hot .

항상 변함없이 같은 마음으로 응원해 주시는
후니즈여러분들께 감사드리며
You always cheer me up with the same mind
thank you.

앞으로 from now,

더욱 노력하는 모습으로 만나뵐 것을 약속드리겠습니다.
I promises…I will show you my further efforts.

여러분 사랑합니다!! I love you!

2011.9.7 정훈
07.09.2011 Jeong-Hoon
credit to

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kim Jeong Hoon inThailand's pictures[27-30/8/2011]

[27/8/2011] Kim Jeong Hoon arrived Thailand about 1.10 a.m. At the airport.
credit to chacha @
[ 27/08/2011 ] About 10.30 a.m. He went to join the Korean-Thai war veterans ' families meeting.
( credit to )

[ 30/08/2011 ]At MAHARAJ PIER

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