Humorous comments of Kim Jeong Hoon!
Kim Jung-hoon, training soldiers, the official comments made in the cafes of Army recruit training centers, is discussed.
Kim Jong-hoon, a former singer and actor, has drawn a lot of humor and leave a reply to a message sent by fans to fans.
Kim Jung Hoon, to express sympathy messages sent through their official fan cafe, "one has so many delicious things, it is rather plump. About my life healthy and safe. I really appreciate it."
" Published photos trainees to see for myself.Sometimes a little difficult. But it came out ok and fun too. Synchronized to my fans, there was a discussion that I'm now a caricature of female students at training camp"
Kim Jeong Hoon said "We visited all the people wearing rubber shoes reversed, and revenge." and " Surprise! Assistant Professor here to help? ティグッティグッティグッ (Cybercitizens term that depicts the shivering)" And so on, showing the form where humor and charm blended, it is his respon from his fans comment
Here the complete comment (thanks to wind and mimi)
==> "From His Mom" Dear my Jeong Hoon.. you've lost some weight in a few days.. haven't you slept well? i feel relieved after seeing your picture at least.. make yourself feel at ease and take care.. love you
==> According to my friend's Assistant, you (77) eat rice a lot ^ ^
==> First, interest and concern, I am very grateful. Adaptable than I thought it went well, I'm fine. Fighting ^ ^
==> What we get here is so many delicious, healthy and is rather plump.Thank you.
==> Picture, I want to see me .. (snip) Thank you anyway.
==> I'd like to have fruit, but as training center's said, it only send a letter which is possible...^^
==> By sending me a letter, it will be a great power for me
==> Hot climate, being most serious and hard to handle. Also the skin becoming rough
==> Do you love me a lot?
==> I have a hard road to reborn as great actor and singer.
==> Power is put out. Thank you
==> And I hear my album.
==> Photo, but can not get much better to take, I'll try also ^ ^
==> Surprise! Huck assistant boyfriend here? M M M
==> Perhaps there are multiple wear rubber shoes upside down.
==> Blah blah and I want to go Japan
==> Motivation of the women now is to talk to my fans and I was frantic
==> Takumi I miss you too. Thank you for translation ^ ^
==> In the morning cold, the day is very hot
==> A lot of time to stay here, many comments has written.
...senior soldier has been appended to write...
(Photo Above = Kim Jung Hoon trainees Cafe Daum Army recruit training centers)
また、キム・ジョンフンギャラリーに、先輩兵士がジョンフンの様子を伝える書き込みがありましたので、ご紹介します。 Moreover, Kim Jung Hoon Gallery, writes that there are JONFUN give the appearance of senior soldiers, we will introduce.
「キム・ジョンフンさんが入隊して1週間が経ちましたね。 "Kim Jong-hoon was the army has passed since I have a week.
1週目の訓練である「制式」の鉄砲を持ってする「執銃制式」訓練が皆仕上がって、土・日の休日に入って行くようになります。 Week 1 of training, "adopted types" with the gun "guns adopted types" finished all the training, you go into the Saturday holiday.
暑い気候の中、練兵場で制式訓練を受けている姿が、本当に全部労しいんですよ・・・私もそうでしだが・・・ During the hot weather, but his training has been adopted types in the parade ground, but it made me all I really労SHII
炊事場で仕事をしている途中、少しの間、「ところで、訓練兵、これちょっと捨ててくれる・・・うん?・・・うん・・・ありがとう」同じ状況も起りました.-_-; While working in the kitchen, for a moment, "By the way, trainees will abandon some of this Yeah? OK and thanks"起RIMASHITA same situation .-_-;
私は、キム・ジョンフンさん所属の部隊ではないから、深く関与はできませんが、行き来しながら訓練を受けているキム・ジョンフンさんを見ました。 I, the troops belonging to Mr. Kim Jong-hoon, is not deeply involved, and saw that Mr. Kim Jong-hoon and trained in both.
鉄砲を持って、鉄兜をかぶっているキム・ジョンフンさんの姿には同じように大変そうだとは見えなかったし、強靭な目つきが記憶に残りますね; With a gun, Kim Jung Hoon's appearance wearing a steel helmet that is very similar and it will not be seen, but the memories remain strong look;
暑い気候にも、訓練に集中しているようです。 The hot weather seems to be concentrated in training.
また、所属部隊の幹部たちも、年もあって、芸能人なので特別に分分からないように気を使ってくれていると聞いたりしました ; In addition, the executives of the unit member, there, I heard that and I feel like not using the extra minutes because celebrities;
一応、制式と言うのは、軍隊での基本的な姿勢である、「気を付け、熱中、休め」のような動作を言います。 At first, adopted types say, is the basic attitude of the military, "Be careful, passion, rest" refers to the behavior.
「執銃制式」と言うのは、鉄砲を持った状態で、制式をすることです。 "Adopted types執gun," said a state with a gun, and to the adopted types.
もう来週は、 2週目なので、 2週目には、キム・ジョンフンさんが言っていたインタビューどおり、射撃があります。 Another week, two weeks since the second week, was interviewed as saying that Mr. Kim Jong-hoon, you shoot.
2週目は射撃姿勢、総意無点を取る無点射撃、ざあっとと伏せてざあっと射撃する、それぞれ 10発ずつ撃つ記録射撃があります。 The second week of shooting position, get a non-fire points of consensus, to shoot down ZAATTO ZAATTOTO, and there are 10 recorded shots from each shoot.
記録射撃の成績が立派ならば、表彰を受けるでしょうから、上手にできたらと思います。 If a good performance record of the fire, you will receive an award, I think when you're well.
今週は、これといった記録が残らない訓練なので、訓練を受ける姿だけ簡単に消息をお伝えしました。 This week, we have no record of such training, we discussed the news only to receive his training.
2週目である射撃訓練は、記録に残るので.. --;; 2 weeks of practice, it remains in the record .. -;;
もうちょっと、具体的なお話を伝えることができますね。 A little more, I can tell the story concrete.
それでは、これで文を終わらせます。 So, this is the end of sentence. お疲れさまです ^^; 」 This is a nice evening ^ ^; "
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