This issue related to 'label' or sticker which Izumi mention on her blog www.johnhoon146.com
As Izumi mentioned on the blog, that her friend's mother made label from John Hoon's birthday party pictures. And sell it for US$1.5 ... Is that illegal or legal stuffs ha? What do you think of it?
=D ha...ha...ha...just 2 days ago my friend in Pasar Atom - Surabaya told me that she saw a lot of John Hoon's CD and photos sold in Pasar Atom. Piracy stuffs of course. Let's see this issue from 2 side seeing ok...
...Negative Side...
Breaking all piracy laws is 100% wrong. Aware or not, we have ripped John Hoon's right on wealth intelectual. His work which made with a lot of effort and high cost, have a right to be appreciate expediently, by not buying the piracy version. In material way, yes John Hoon a bit suffer of lose. But immaterial ( his intelectual ), suffering cause huge of loss. Ideas which came-out from a person name John Hoon, barely to be priceless when entering piracy market. Isn't it right for all person's hard-worked (creation) to be treated in a good way?
Melanggar semua hukum pembajakan adalah 100% salah. Sadar atau tidak, kita telah mencabik cabik Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual John Hoon. Hasil karyanya yang dibuat dengan kerja keras dan biaya banyak, berhak untuk dihargai secara layak, dengan tidak membeli barang barang bajakan. Secara material John Hoon memang sedikit dirugikan. Tetapi secara immaterial (intelektual), John Hoon amat sangat dirugikan. Ide ide yang dihasilkan dari seorang John Hoon seolah olah menjadi tidak berharga begitu memasuki pasaran bajakan. Bukankah hak bagi semua orang untuk dihargai setiap hasil karyanya?
...Positive Side...
01. Semakin banyak hasil karya seseorang dibajak dipasaran, menandakan semakin terkenal orang itu. Karena banyak peminat yang membeli dengan harga miring.
01. More and more someone creation to be pirated in marketplace, indicate that someone more and more well known in public. Cause so many buyers interesting in cheap price unknown quality.
02. Buat fans John Hoon yang jauh dari Korea dan Jepang, 80% barang barang bajakan ini dapat memenuhi keinginan para fans untuk memiliki semua hasil karya John Hoon.
02. For John Hoon fans outside Korea and Japan,80% piracy items can fulfill fans desire to collect John Hoon's masterpieces in easy way.
03. Fakta yang nyata bahwa 75 % fans John Hoon adalah ABG yang belum punya penghasilan sendiri, jadi untuk memperoleh barang barang asli John Hoon seringkali mereka harus menabung extra keras. Jadi apa salahnya jika membeli barang bajakan tapi berkualitas bagus dengan alasan anggaran terbatas. Jujur...anggaran untuk menjadi fans John Hoon yang loyal dengan tidak membeli barang barang bajakan sangatlah buesaaarrrr, aku tahu itu, karena aku tahu persis angka yang aku keluarkan selama tahun 2008 yang hanya aku gunakan membeli CD/DVD/Kalender/Buku-nya John Hoon *smile* huge numbers of currency he he he
03. The real fact that 75% of John Hoon fans are young teenager who haven't had steady income yet, in order to buy John Hoon original products, they usually must saving very hard their money (from their parents of course). So what is wrong with buying piracy product with fair quality if you only have limited budget right. To be honest...budget for becoming loyal fans of John Hoon without buying piracy product is so huge, I can tell it so, cause I do really know how much number that I must spent on the year of 2008 only to buy John Hoon's CD/DVD/Calender/Books *smile* huge numbers of currency he he he
Sekarang kembali kepada diri kalian sendiri. Bagaimana cara terbaik menjadi fans-nya John Hoon, kalian tentukan sendiri. Mau 100% loyal tanpa membeli bajakan atau 50%:50% *grin* keputusan ada ditanganmu =)
Now, back again to ourself. How to become a good fans for John Hoon, you deside it. Wants to be 100% loyal fans without buying piracy stuffs or 50%:50% ? The desicion is yours =)
1 comment:
If the singers have piracy products.It signify that they are popular..,right? ^^
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